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Achieving a High With a High THC Tolerance

Do you have a memory (or a few) of a “high” that you experienced when you were much younger that stuck out for being an amazing sensory experience? 

Do you find it difficult to achieve highs these days that rival (or even come close) to what you experienced back then?

If the answer is yes, then here are a few ideas to consider to help recreate those types of experiences.

Infographic of the benefits of a thc break

Take a Tolerance Break 

  • Sounds like fun, right…?
  • A tolerance break gives your body a chance to reset and restores the sensitivity of CB1 receptors, which THC primarily binds to.
    • Even a short break (a couple days) can significantly reduce your tolerance.
    • A longer break will have a more substantial effect.

Switch Methods of Consumption

  • Various ways of consuming cannabis impact how THC is absorbed and metabolized.
    • Edibles: Provide a longer-lasting and more intense high because THC is metabolized into 11-hydroxy-THC in the liver, which is more potent.
    • Concentrates: Products like wax, shatter, or oils deliver high THC doses quickly.
    • Vaping or smoking: If you mainly use edibles or concentrates, then switching to smoking or vaping may deliver an impressive effect, especially at the beginning.

Try a Full-Spectrum Product

  • Full-spectrum cannabis products contain cannabinoids (like CBD, CBG, or CBN) and terpenes that pair nicely with THC, creating what’s called an “entourage effect” which boosts the overall experience.

For many older stoners, taking a cannabis break is a tough pill to swallow. If you can do it, you will realize benefits with your tolerance for a period of time thereafter. If that’s not your preferred path, the other ideas shared above can help you attain a buzz that is more reminiscent of your youthful experiences.