In your “younger stoner” years or possibly more recently, have you ever witnessed or experienced first hand a cannabis high that transcends the normal experience to the point you / they thought they were tripping? But, were you actually tripping?
At this time in our lives, most older stoners (seniors) have a sense of the range of affects that occur as you inhale / ingest marijuana. We know the feeling of an underwhelming high, one that is more intense than is preferred, along with the middleground sweet spot that many of us are always chasing.
However, this differs from what is typically associated with “tripping” from hallucinogens like LSD and magic mushrooms. With those substances users report the feeling of a significant detachment from reality. Cannabis typically does not produce these intense hallucinatory experiences in the same way that classic hallucinogens do.
That said, some users may still report mild perceptual changes and altered states of consciousness. These effects are usually less intense than those associated with “tripping” on substances like LSD or psilocybin mushrooms.
I will add that of all the different types of cannabis products that are sold in dispensaries, the two that are strongest for many seniors are distillate syringes and smoking concentrates. The syringe typically takes much longer to kick in (think edible +) while smoking a concentrate from a dabbing rig may lead to very intense short term high.