THC Content Doesn’t Tell the Whole Storyby Older StonerSeptember 29, 2023August 27, 2024It can be confusing when looking at a product label, but THC content is only one of the factors that determines the “high” you will experience from consuming cannabis. The temptation is to focus on the THC percentage, but that …
Don’t Be Intimidated Walking Into A Cannabis Dispensaryby Older StonerSeptember 29, 2023August 27, 2024For many seniors (and older stoners), the notion that in 2023 you can stroll into a cannabis dispensary, casually select from a menu of items and purchase marijuana legally is somewhat astounding and represents a level of progress that many …
Cannabis Concentrates Explainedby Older StonerSeptember 28, 2023August 27, 2024If you are on the email lists for any cannabis dispensaries, you are likely seeing products advertised under the subheading of “concentrates”. It’s a category of marijuana products that can seem intimidating, especially for seniors who are newer to incorporating …
Cannabis Wellness Retreatsby Older StonerSeptember 18, 2023August 27, 2024As we age and (often) have more time on our hands, an activity that appeals to many seniors is “retreats”. They are usually framed around a topic or shared area of interest such as wellness or financial learning, personal development …
Consider “Stacking” Your Cannabis by Older StonerSeptember 11, 2023August 27, 2024One of the many exciting aspects of today’s cannabis industry is the plethora of products that companies in the industry are developing and rolling into dispensaries. The ever-expanding range of options provides an opportunity to not only pick strains that …
Should You Pre-Order Cannabis From A Dispensary?by Older StonerSeptember 6, 2023August 27, 2024A question to consider when planning to make a purchase from a cannabis dispensary is whether to check out the inventory of the store that you are planning to visit online and potentially place an “order”, which isn’t actually finalized …
Cannabis Before Pickleball?by Older StonerSeptember 6, 2023August 27, 2024Visit any facility that has pickleball courts, particularly in the morning and you are likely to see a cadre of seniors playing, with others waiting for their turn. The popularity of seniors playing pickleball has exploded across the country. An …
Can Seniors Benefit From A Cannabis Coach?by Older StonerSeptember 2, 2023August 27, 2024By the time we become seniors, we think we know a lot about a bunch of different topics. For older stoners who have incorporated cannabis into their lives for many years (or decades), a Cannabis Coach may not be materially …
Can Cannabis Help Seniors Sleep?by Older StonerAugust 30, 2023August 27, 2024In our conversations with fellow older stoners, one of the most often-heard reasons that seniors share for turning to cannabis is to see if it will help them to get a better night’s sleep. Getting a consistently good night’s sleep …
Strains For Senior Card Players To Boost Concentrationby Older StonerAugust 22, 2023August 27, 2024Whether you are playing cards at a casino in Las Vegas, hanging with friends in the card room at the country club, the senior center or the condo, it’s important to be able to effectively concentrate and allow your mind …