Create Your Cannabis Consuming Game Planby Older StonerNovember 22, 2023August 29, 2024If you are indulging in cannabis on a frequent or everyday basis, then I encourage you to focus on creating a regime for your marijuana use in order to keep the experience as enlightening and on-point as possible from the …
How To Clean Your Bongby Older StonerNovember 22, 2023February 17, 2024The first and most critical point to keep in mind when cleaning your bong is DON”T drop it.If it’s glass, then it will be time to replace and if it’s plastic, then you will still be left with a …
Edibles: How Long to Kick In & How Long Will It Last?by Older StonerNovember 13, 2023August 29, 2024The question of how many milligrams of cannabis edibles you should consume and how long they will affect you are important considerations before beginning this aspect of your cannabis exploratory journey. More than with any other type of cannabis product, …
Figure Out Which THC Strains Work Best For You by Older StonerNovember 4, 2023February 17, 2024And have fun doing it…As a senior (older stoner) who may have been purchasing marijuana long before dispensaries sprouted up across the country (and when ounces used to cost around $100), you probably grew up in an environment where …
Is It Possible to “Trip” on Cannabis?by Older StonerNovember 4, 2023August 29, 2024In your “younger stoner” years or possibly more recently, have you ever witnessed or experienced first hand a cannabis high that transcends the normal experience to the point you / they thought they were tripping? But, were you actually tripping? …
Avoid Paying Full Price at a Dispensaryby Older StonerOctober 30, 2023August 29, 2024I encourage you to learn about the various cannabis brands that are operating dispensaries close by to where you live or work. A Google search for “cannabis dispensaries near me” should provide you with a list to work from. By …
How Important is THC% to the High You Experience? by Older StonerOctober 23, 2023August 29, 2024If you’ve spent time reading through the websites of dispensaries, you’ll know that many (though not all) include the lab test results of the products that they have in inventory. Included in the test results is the actual percentage of …
Should Seniors Enjoy Cannabis Outdoors?by Older StonerOctober 20, 2023August 29, 2024It goes without saying (although I will reiterate it here), that the foundation for this article is the fact that what’s legal and what’s smart supersedes my (theoretical) wisdom below….With that in mind, I want to ask the question …
Harvard Health Publishing: Older Adults and Medical Marijuana: Reduced Stigma and Increased Useby Older StonerOctober 15, 2023August 28, 2024With the tremendous buzz and momentum around the growth in cannabis acceptance and usage by seniors, you might be surprised to learn that this article, which I’ll reference below, was actually published in April of 2020. The article is …
Can Dogs Get High From THC?by Older StonerOctober 4, 2023August 28, 2024Did you see the stoner movie, Dude, Where’s My Car? Made in 2000 and starring Ashton Kutcher and Seann William Scott it’s loaded with classic stoner antics. In one memorable scene, they visit with someone who has a stoner …