Visit any facility that has pickleball courts, particularly in the morning and you are likely to see a cadre of seniors playing, with others waiting for their turn. The popularity of seniors playing pickleball has exploded across the country.
An interesting survey question would be to ask those at the courts whether they are indulging in any cannabis before (or after) they play pickleball.
When contemplating cannabis strains that might enhance your physical activity like playing pickleball, it’s important to remember that everyone’s response to cannabis is unique. Certain seniors (older stoners) might enjoy enhanced focus and energy, while others may feel too relaxed to play at their best.
It’s smart to start with a small dose and figure out how a particular strain affects you before using it in an active setting. With that in mind, here are some strains you might want to consider for activities that require focus, energy, and coordination:
Sativa-dominant strains:
Super Sour Diesel: Known for its uplifting and energizing effects, it’s commonly used for daytime activities.
Green Crack: Green Crack is a potent strain of cannabis. It’s popular for its exhilarating effects that foster focus and energy. One you try it, the name will make a lot more sense.
Maui Wowie: It’s known for its clear-headed stimulation, making it potentially suitable for physical activities. Just like riding the waves!
Start with a small amount of a particular THC strain to gauge how it impacts your performance and coordination. Being “too high” can hinder reaction time and coordination. You also want to make sure you are not becoming winded, which typically doesn’t happen during pickleball anyway.
It’s valuable to consider when you want the onset to begin. Depending on the consumption method (smoking, vaping, edibles, etc.), the onset and duration of effects can vary. Ensure you’re familiar with how long it takes for the cannabis to kick in (with the form factor you’ve chosen) and how long it lasts.
And lastly, no matter whether you play straight, a little high or a lot high, just remember to STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN!