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Figure Out Which THC Strains Work Best For You 

And have fun doing it…

As a senior (older stoner) who may have been purchasing marijuana long before dispensaries sprouted up across the country (and when ounces used to cost around $100), you probably grew up in an environment where the strain you smoked was simply a reflection of what your local dealer either grew or purchased elsewhere in the non-legal world of cannabis (back in the day). 

Due to the mystery surrounding what you were purchasing, you likely had no idea what type of thc strain was sitting in the sandwich baggie and whether it was about to energize you, make you crash,  or deliver something in-between. There were no pamphlets that accompanied the purchase explaining its composition. Furthermore, it likely contained seeds and stems and who knows what else!

Today, with the proliferation of dispensaries and lab tested cannabis products, a wonderful opportunity exists to be informed about what you are purchasing. If you are relatively new to enjoying marijuana, it’s valuable to know the effects that different stains have for you; keep in mind that just because it says it works one way (Indica / Sativa), individual results will vary.  

Personally, I continue to be fascinated by the number of unique strains that various dispensaries carry and most are specific to the dispensary brand (i.e. Trulieve, Ayr, Rise, etc.). By testing out different options (across dispensaries that are convenient to you), you can eventually wind up with a handful of strains that work best for you depending upon your objectives.