I’ve always been amazed at how different pizza can taste, depending on where you buy it. The variance of the ingredients and the preparation can be significant, but at the end of the day, it’s still just a combination of dough, cheese, tomato sauce and toppings, so how different could it actually be?
Well, if a restaurant’s ingredients and their pizza chef are the differencemakers between a great pizza and a crummy one, then a (weird) corollary might be that a marijuana operator and dispensary has significant latitude over the products that they create and sell.
At the end of the day, cannabis is cannabis. Yet, different dispensaries create and carry a wide assortment of products, some more impactful for you than others. I mention “marijuana operators”, because in many states, their business model is “seed to sale”, which means that they control all aspects of the cannabis process.
Most dispensaries carry an array of products that vary widely in terms of both form factors (flower, vape, edibles, concentrates, etc.) and intensity. The key is finding specific products that work well for you. If you’re like me, you may have a handful of favored products that can only be found at various dispensaries around town; some more convenient than others.
Keep in mind that most dispensaries offer delivery today. So, if there are products that interest you, but you are dissuaded due to driving distance, inquire to see if the dispensary offers a delivery option.
The only imaginable thing better than having a great pizza delivered is to have the cannabis of your choice delivered if it’s inconvenient for you to pick it up from the dispensary that closest to you.